Gut Health

Digestive Testing Can Reveal Hidden Issues

Digestive complaints are among the most important issues to discuss with your physician. Why? Because common symptoms—like sharp pain, cramping, bloating, distention, fullness, or even burning—are often overlooked or labeled with a broad diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and the underlying causes can be ignored. Digestive, or Gastrointestinal (GI), testing can help reveal the real problems and speed healing. 

The Benefits of Digestive Testing

Digestive testing can help identify an imbalance in healthy bacteria, parasitic or candida infections, food sensitivities, and much more. Analysis of digestive enzymes and testing for nutrient levels can also help us understand your digestive needs and create a focused treatment plan to quickly get you back on track. 

Our Digestive Testing Services

Several different tests are available depending upon your symptoms, including:

  • Stool, or gut microbiome, testing helps determine the microbes that live in your gut, which can help us tailor a treatment plan specifically for you. An optimal microbiome can improve weight management, cravings, improve mood, and your immune system.
  • Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) breath testing. SIBO is a condition characterized by excessive bacteria in the small intestines, which leads to bloating, abdominal pain, and frequent constipation.
  • Testing for antibodies in your blood due to antigens in foods can help us to understand if you have a food allergy or a food sensitivity. Reactions to foods can often lead to fatigue, brain fog, rashes, difficulty losing weight, joint pain and digestion problems. We take this a step further and work on understanding causes which can be “leaky gut."
  • Micronutrient testing is a comprehensive nutrient analysis that measures functional deficiencies at the cellular level. It assesses how efficiently the body utilizes specific vitamins, minerals, amino and fatty acids, antioxidants, and metabolites.

Once we’ve completed your testing, we can recommend various options to quickly improve your health and how you feel, including well-researched supplements, dietary and other lifestyle changes, and comprehensive nutritional programming. 

Improve Your Digestive Health

If you’ve been experiencing symptoms like those described above, reach out to the doctors at Lake Oswego Health Center to learn more about the benefits of digestive testing or make an appointment.