Embrace Winter Wellness

Stay cozy and healthy this winter with expert tips from Lake Oswego Health Center!

The cold months are coming fast, and with them comes the temptation to hibernate indoors. But don’t let the winter chill keep you from getting your physical activity! There are plenty of ways to stay active and enjoy the season, whether you prefer outdoor adventures or indoor workouts.

With the onset of winter, maintaining your health takes precedence. In this issue of our newsletter, we aim to guide you through the winter months, ensuring you stay both physically active and thriving. Our dedicated team of healthcare experts is excited to offer you a treasure trove of insights and recommendations to help you bolster your well-being during the holiday season. From scheduling crucial visits with your physician to exploring ways to fortify your immune system and seamlessly integrating winter-appropriate physical activities into your routine, we are here to support your journey towards a healthy and fulfilling winter season.


Engaging in exercise this winter offers multiple benefits for your immune system and overall health. Participating in regular exercise promotes the health of our mitochondria. Exercise has been shown to increase our energy production, decrease harmful oxygenation, and harness an overall healthful mitochondria. This healthy mitochondria, in turn, enhances our immune system by regulating our inflammatory response and aiding in the production of T-cells and macrophages.


Here are a couple activities that can keep you active this winter season:

  • Yoga: Practicing yoga at home can be a great way to stay flexible and reduce stress during the winter months. You can start with beginner yoga focusing on relaxation and flexibility versus power yoga.
  • Body weight exercises: Simple exercises like push-ups, squats, jumping jacks, lunges, sit ups, crunches and planks require no equipment and can be done in the comfort of your home. These activities can circulate your blood and help you with better circulation and heating temperature of your body. Or visit a personal trainer!
  • Snow sports: If you’re in a snowy region, consider activities like skiing, snowboarding, or snowshoeing for a fun way to enjoy the winter wonderland.
  • Hiking: Explore the beauty of the winter landscape with a cold-weather hike. Just be sure to dress warmly and take necessary safety precautions.


Portland Metro Area Hikes

  • Forest Park
  • Hoyt Arboretum
  • Tryon Creek State Natural Area
  • Powell Butte Nature Park
  • Mount Tabor Park
  • Council Crest Park
  • Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge
Popular Hikes Near Portland

  • Silver Falls State Park
  • Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area
  • Mount Hood National Forest
  • Ecola State Park
  • Haystack Rock State Park

Evidence suggests that limited cold exposure may actually boost immune function, so long as your body is prepared, and you don’t overdo it. Optimize your body’s resilience to cold weather adventures through a combination of whole food consumption, balanced
nutrition, vitamin supplementation, and the range of services available at Lake Oswego Health Center. Explore our offerings, including hyperbaric oxygen chambers,
ozone/UV IV treatments, and vitamin C infusions, to discover how you can maintain your immune system’s top-notch performance. Visit us to unlock the potential for a robust immune system in any climate.

We hope these tips and ideas help you stay active and make the most of wintertime physical activity. Remember, your well-being is our top priority at Lake Oswego Health Center. Let’s make this winter a season of thriving, good health, and joy through physical activity!

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Posted in Health Blog.