Unlocking the Potential of Methylene Blue for Enhanced Well-being

Today, we want to shed light on an intriguing substance known as methylene blue and its remarkable benefits, particularly in the realm of neurological health.


Methylene blue is a widely known medication that has fascinated scientists and healthcare professionals because of its significant effects on tiny energy factories in our cells called mitochondria.
What sets apart this miraculous medicine is its special power to improve the delivery of oxygen to body tissues. It does this by making the oxygen carrier in our blood, hemoglobin, work better. Also, methylene blue has features that prevent the muscles in our blood vessels from relaxing too much, which is helpful as it narrows the vessels slightly, promoting better blood flow and oxygen supply to our tissues.

The application of methylene blue extends to a range of neurodegenerative disorders, making it a potential neuroprotective agent. Some of the conditions it has shown promising results in include:

  • Alzheimer’s
  • Dementia
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Chronic Lyme
  • Bartonella disease
  • UTI symptoms
  • Chronic Pain


A Neurological Marvel

Dive into the riveting study titled “Methylene blue improves sensorimotor phenotype and decreases anxiety in parallel with activating brain mitochondria biogenesis in mid-age mice” by Artem P. Gureev et al. This research spotlights methylene blue’s prowess in affecting mitochondria functions. Its ability to breach the blood-brain barrier becomes a crucial asset in addressing neurodegenerative diseases (ND). Scientific literature suggests that low doses of methylene blue act as a neuroprotective shield, enhancing spatial memory retention and contributing to the improvement of various cognitive functions.


Methylene blue doesn’t stop at neurological health—it extends its benefits to address common concerns like Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs). Recognizing the prevalence of UTIs, especially among women, we explore a study showcasing the positive impacts of treating Recurrent UTI Symptoms with Urinary Antiseptics Containing Methenamine and Methylene Blue. The results are impressive, indicating significant improvements in UTI symptoms, underscoring the compound’s effectiveness in combating this widespread issue.


Mitochondrial Support via Nutrition

While utilization of methylene blue has shown great promise in mitochondrial health, certain nutritional practices can help provide additional support for our mitochondria.

The mitochondria is a component of our cells that is responsible for creating energy (ATP) from the foods we eat, specifically carbohydrates and lipids. When our mitochondria are damaged (whether from illness or malnutrition), our metabolism can be impaired. This puts us at risk for many metabolic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, hypertension, etc.

We can support the health and functioning of our mitochondria with our nutrition. A multitude of vitamins and minerals are utilized by the mitochondria and we can assure their availability  for use by eating specific foods.

B-vitamins are one of the most important nutrients to the mitochondria. B-vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B5, B7, B9, and B12 are keys to the functioning and creation of energy. Aim to eat a diet rich in:

  • Meat (fish, beef, pork, chicken)
  • Dairy
  • Eggs
  • Whole grains
  • Legumes
  • Dark leafy greens

Having plenty of each of these types of foods can assure you are getting adequate amounts of B vitamins. If you follow a vegan or vegetarian diet, supplementation with a B-vitamin complex may be of good practice.

An important function of the mitochondria is the electron transport chain (ETC). This crucial step in energy creation can not be possible without CoQ10. Coq10 is naturally produced in the body and can act as an antioxidant when not acting as an electron transporter in the ETC. Try incorporating these foods into your diet to support CoQ10 levels in the body:

  • Organ meats
  • Salmon
  • Soybeans
  • Sesame seeds
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
Browse our Supplements
While these are only a couple of the vastly important nutrients used by the mitochondria, a diet that is low in processed foods, high in colorful fruits and vegetables, and full of diversified whole foods can support an overall healthy body.

Schedule with our Nutritionist– Avery Brobeck, MScN -to learn more!

At Lake Oswego Health Center we stand at the forefront of your health journey.

Our commitment to your health extends beyond conventional approaches. By delving into the transformative benefits of methylene blue, we aim to stand out as a reputable source of cutting-edge healthcare. Our power-packed titles and content reflect our dedication to providing clear, consistent, and impactful information that empowers you on your wellness journey.

Should you have any questions or wish to explore how methylene blue can be tailored to benefit you, our experienced healthcare professionals are ready to guide you.

Call today! 503-505-9806

Posted in Health Blog.