Are Food Sensitivities Troubling You?

Food Sensitivity TestDigestive Complaints?
Acne and Rashes?
Fatigue and Weight Gain?

Food sensitivities may be to blame.

Food sensitivities can often cause digestive complaints, acne, fatigue, or weight gain. Book a consult to learn more about symptoms and sensitivities.

With so much of your body’s immune system located around the gut for your protection, it is no wonder that you gastrointestinal system may become prone to inflammation. What starts out as a localized reaction can soon lead to whole-body symptoms and health complaints.

Once the inflammatory cycle begins, whether it started with an infection or a single food allergy, it becomes easier to develop additional sensitivities. Irritated white blood cells produce proteins called immunoglobulins which latch onto targeted foods and tell your immune system to start attacking. This results in more inflammation, thereby feeding the cycle.

Common symptoms of food sensitivities include:

  • Gas & Bloating
  • Nausea & Stomach Pain
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Fatigue & Weight Gain
  • Joint Pain & Muscle Aches
  • Acne & Eczema
  • Migraines & Brain Fog
  • Nutritional Deficiencies
  • Chronic Sinus Congestion
  • Depression & Anxiety

Thankfully, we can test for these immunoglobulins and identify which foods are fueling the inflammation. With US BioTek’s Standard Food Panel, we screen your blood for sensitivities to 96 common foods. Once the foods fueling your inflammation are identified and removed, your gut has an opportunity to start healing. Many of your symptoms may fade immediately, and healing your gut can lead to long term relief and improved health.

Would you like to learn more?

Speak with your LOHC physician today.

Posted in Health Blog.